John Stemberger and his team inspired many local pastors this past Monday.
Domine Clemons, Government Relations Manager for The Optima Foundation, shared about her progressive education growing up, being taught how awful the United States is and how great socialism is. She studied abroad in Portugal and got a first-hand look at how difficult it was to wait in lines for a medical exam and to receive other services under a socialist system.
Upon returning to the states, she heard her teachers again putting down our nation and elevating socialism. She stood up and told the class her personal experience of how horrible socialism was.
Domine attended Hillsdale College, where she received a classical education, learning from source documents and not societal fads or opinions. She compared progressive and classical education, and many in the audience were dismayed by how and what is taught in public schools, and even in private schools.
She shared alternative school options, such as charter schools, private school scholarships, virtual, home school, education savings accounts, and micro-schools. Domine went over several scholarships available for Florida students. Many were surprised to learn that The Hope Scholarship has excessive funds and not enough applicants. Any student who is the victim of a bullying incident qualifies to be able to go to the private school of their choice.
John Stemberger, President and General Counsel for Florida Family Policy Council and Florida Family Action, shared how pastors can be proactive by helping the increasing number of women with crisis pregnancies by “adopting” and supporting a local pregnancy resource center.
He explained how Florida used the “Privacy Act” to say that abortion is a fundamental right. However, the history and wording of the Privacy Act clearly show that the law concerns information. There is nothing about abortion in it.
Florida is now an abortion capital. Thankfully, however, for every abortion clinic in Florida, there are three pregnancy resource centers.
Pati Adams, Executive Director of the Pregnancy Resource Center in Panama City, shared their need for counselors, nurses, and a larger building. She explained all the services they provide, including ultrasounds, parental classes, and abortion pill reversal.
Kristin Baker, Director of The Holmes County Pregnancy & Family Center, shared how they are a Christian non-profit ministry in Bonifay, Florida. Their services include parenting, Bible, and life skill classes, abstinence education, biblical counseling, marriage coaching, fatherhood classes, and abortion recovery.
Dr. Kevin Baird, Director of Pastoral Ministries for Florida Family Policy Council and The Florida Capitol Project, inspired all with a journey through the Bible, explaining how government is God’s idea. Even Jesus got involved in government affairs when he addressed the religious leaders, who were also civic leaders in biblical culture. He intervened in a case involving a capital offense – the woman caught in adultery.
Dr. Baird explained that when God’s ministers aren’t involved in government affairs, they leave a vacuum – an empty space – that will be filled with something else. He said there is no such thing as being neutral.
He explained The Florida Capitol Project, which brings church leaders and government officials together each legislative session. Pastors are encouraged to sign up for a day and a half at the Florida State Capitol. They pray together in the State Capitol Chapel, receive a private prayer tour of the Capitol, meet and pray with their representatives, and tour the Florida Supreme Court.
Kevin shared how blessed legislators are to connect with pastors they can call upon in their districts for prayer and ministry.
These highlights and much more were enjoyed in this inspirational, educational event, as well as the opportunity for pastors to meet one another, and talk with the speakers and the pregnancy resource center directors and staff.
Be Thou My Vision with John Stemberger
The Be Thou My Vision Tour, sponsored by the Florida Pastors Alliance, is a 13-city tour seeking to help pastors envision new strategies to equip families to protect their children, including:
- Ways to off-ramp them from bad schools
- Opportunities for the Church to practically minister to mothers in crisis pregnancy
- Ways pastors can partner with and minister to leaders of civil government through the Florida Capitol Project
John Stemberger, President and General Counsel of the Florida Family Policy Council
Dr. Kevin Baird, Director of Pastoral Ministries for the Florida Family Policy Council and the Florida Capitol Project
Erika Donalds, Founder and CEO of Optima Ed
Domine Clemons, Government Relations Manager for The Optima Foundation
Date: August 22nd
Time: 1:00 p.m., Doors open at 12:45 p.m., Light foods available.
Location: Captain Anderson’s Event Center 5550 N Lagoon Dr #2, Panama City Beach, FL 32408